Believe it’s 525gph but need to check.What gph are you pushing ?
I plan on having a few growouts and feeding on the heavier side once its established and monitor the water parameteres.
Thats some crazy plant growth! The design of this filter isnt 100% devoid of oxygen its anoxic not anaerobic it works on different principles take up nitrogen directly, in all forms and they've preference for ammonia, so the entire nitrification and denitrification is by-passed, thus not risking either nitrite spikes, neither low oxygen levels...
Here are my nitrogen eaters...
The simple as filling with clay pebbles, sticking a plant in and giving the plants light, the pebbles flow over/through. They've got holes drilled at the bottom and on the sides.
I use round clay pebbles and not gravel or cat liter to avoid anoxic/anaerobic conditions in the roots...
Call it aerobic plant enhanced filtration by Coryloach, lol.
Don't believe it doesn't work well enough to reduce nitrogen? See chronic nitrogen deficiency on same plants
Thats some crazy plant growth! The design of this filter isnt 100% devoid of oxygen its anoxic not anaerobic it works on different principles
I feed the fish as much as I want
"The term anoxia means a total depletion in the level of oxygen, an extreme form of hypoxia or "low oxygen".
"Anaerobic - relating to or requiring an absence of free oxygen."
Anaerobic = total absence of free oxygen (O2) or bound oxygen (NO2, NO3)
Anoxic = absence of free oxygen, but presence of bound oxygen.
it works on different principles