Scientific name: Parachromis loiselli
Common name: loiselli
Distribution: Central American. Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama.
Size: Males are capable of a little over 13" in the auarium. Females tend to be smaller, maxing out around 9".
Temperature: 77-82
Ph: 6.5-8.0
General Information: The loiselli is a higher bodied fish than some other Parachromis. As with the other Parachromis, the loiselli is a piscavore in the wild. Feed them a quality varied diet. I prefer a quality pellet (like Hikari or NLS), crickets, nightcrawlers, bloodworms and market shrimp. These fishes display a yellow body with black vertical bars which may or may not be prominent depending on the fishes' mood. They will have greens, blues, and purples on the face, body, and fins. Males may have spangling on the fins. Females will be more yellow with the black bars and red tinges on the dorsal and tail fins.
Loiselli can be confused as Parachromis friedrichsthalii in some instances as they are similar. Different geographical collection locations will yield slight differences in coloration.
Aquarium requirements: A single female would do fine in a 90g. A single male would do fine in a 125g. A pair may work in a 125g depending onthe pair's compatibility, but a larger footprint is better. As with other Parachromis, the loiselli should not be considered community fishes. In excess of 200g should be considered the minimum to try tankmates and even then it may not work in anything smaller than 300g (and it may not work at all depending on the individual speciman's atitude).
Breeding: Females usually reach sexual maturity by 4"-5". They are egg layers. The female will lay eggs on a flat surface in the tank and the male will then swim by and fertilize them. Be prepared for anywhere between 500-5,000 fry depending on the pair's maturity and ability. The pair's colors will become much more intense and the female's egg tube will drop when they are ready to spawn. You may see chasing, nipping, and twitching/shivering during the pre spawn. They will also clean a spot for the eggs. Fry will hatch after 3 days and be free swimming after three more days.
Male and female in breeding dress with cloud of free swimming fry...
Parachromis loiselli male...
Parachromis loiselli male geographical color morph...
Parachromis loiselli female...
***All info and photos are mine. Please feel free to correct anything I've gotten wrong or missed!