• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Anything Parachromis!


The P. Dovii is a rather piscivorous species. It will readily accept crestaesions, beef heart, feeder fish, and any other meaty foods. The P. Dovii is a carnivouris species. A high protein diet and meals once to twice a day are reccommended.


The Parachromis family(including the dovii) is a very easy type of fish to breed under the right conditions. Breeding a Parachromis Dovii requires at LEAST 180G and even that may be too small. If you feed a high protein diet, sustain you pair, and give them plenty of space, you should have no problem breeding them.


Due to their sheer size and nature, from a difficulty scale ranging from 0-5(5 being the hardest) I would give the Dovii a 4. For the experienced keeper only.
Scientific name: Parachromis motaguensis

Distribution: Guatemala and Honduras

Size: The third largest Parachromis. Males can reach around 14", females are more likely to stay around 10".

Common Name(s): Motagua Cichlid or just simply Mota. In most parts of Europe it is known as the Red Tiger Cichlid.

Temperature: 76-82F

pH: 7.0 - 8.0

General Information:

The Parachromis motaguensis is one of the most commonly kept species in the aquarium. The most is undoubtedly the Parachromis Managuensis. One thing this Parachromis has that is nice is a 'Generally' small size.
A single male could be kept in a 90-125G his whole life. And a single female could be kept in just a 75G. This species is less piscivouras than the other species, but will happily except any meaty food it can fit in it's mouth.

Aquarium Set Up:

The same as the Dovii, but could be kept in smaller quarters.


Anything meaty that can fit in it's mouth!


The breeding is the same as all the other Parachromis, but in this species the female turns a bright red with black stripes and the male get's a little rosy. By far the most pretty Parachromis in breeding dress.
Breeding Pair

Good looking pair of Freddi's(may be loseilli) I believe.

Pictures were googled.
First pic I *think* is aquamojo's. Second pic appear to be Parachromis managuense, definately not loiselli.
Terd: I believe your right. The first pic is AquaMojo's and I believe those are just gold morph mannys