Mac-100;3428537; said:snakehead?
caribemob;3429187; said:ok buddy, he had alot of those fish within five years buddy, i brought fish traded or sold and i got more from pedro, however the only fish he didnt have was the gibbus and blue diamond, everything else has always been coming through, however cant wait to see your fish in your aquarium, most of fish will act better in your tanks, not pedro's, real colors will come out, you must have got the last black diamond, cause he didnt even post them
yo jack i know you didnt sell that blue , why dog? why?jp80911;3429242; said:he had blue diamonds last october/november that's when I got my 4" one and that's when Tony got his 9" one (he bought the last big guy before I did) and he had them again around April, ~6-7" ones.
Pedro didn't post a lot of pics, he probably still has the 10" blue diamond that's like $500...or maybe someone bought it already after I posted the pics for him here and on P-fury. I should really get pay for this. lol
caribemob;3429187; said:ok buddy, he had alot of those fish within five years buddy, i brought fish traded or sold and i got more from pedro, however the only fish he didnt have was the gibbus and blue diamond, everything else has always been coming through, however cant wait to see your fish in your aquarium, most of fish will act better in your tanks, not pedro's, real colors will come out, you must have got the last black diamond, cause he didnt even post them
blue diamond what you got twojp80911;3429323; said:which one you talking about?
Mac-100;3429339; said:Well he has gotten some in throughout the year but they sold out within hours or were already sold before he had a chance to post em. In other words he never got enough for many people to get one or have a chance to look fast enough to buy before they sold. In the past 2 months he has gotten more of a larger stock than usual, he even said he had to divide more tanks to fit em all temporarily.
The 7-8" Black Diamonds ate still listed as In Stock on the website.
Mac-100;3429360; said:Another thing that has been great about Aqua,s stock in the past couple months is they have also had most of the fish available in all different sizes.
caribemob;3429421; said:blue diamond what you got two