Aqueon (All Glass) Tank Pricing? - 125, 150, 180, 210

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Man, I really love to have a 125-300 gal tank but all the tanks in that size around here are $3 or $4 a gallon and up, even on craiglist.

There's usually a good deal once in a while. Dont ever pay more than 2.5 dollars a gallon for a WHOLE set up. I'm talking about filters stand tank pumps lights decore etc. Just ignore the ads that want more or low ball them. A dollar a gallon is always good lol. You can also call local good wills and see if they have any tanks and its usually a good deal as they want to get rid of it cause it takes up so much space.
Aqueon will make a tank with black silicone no problem (they use black silicone on all their bowfront tanks, just not their rectangular tanks). but there is a small extra charge.

but your LFS has to contact Aqueon and tell them directly that you want a tank specially made with black silicone. get them to ship it to the LFS and away you go. thats what I did.

here is what my 150g looked like empty (I am at home now so I can post pics)

12 volt;

I know I'm inquiring about a 4 year old post. But when I saw the picture I had to ask.....where did you get the stand from? I didn't see it on the Aqueon / All Glass website. But I was looking for a simple stand like that.