ARAPAIMA colours

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
In what age they usually becomes more colourfull ??
My two pimas hava about 5 and 3 months, and the older one starts to show some spotss in his tail, not red, just grey.
In here, Brasil, the big ones I see have red color marks, never seen another color before.
BaTsBR;1819403; said:
In what age they usually becomes more colourfull ??
My two pimas hava about 5 and 3 months, and the older one starts to show some spotss in his tail, not red, just grey.
In here, Brasil, the big ones I see have red color marks, never seen another color before.
I think is quite difficult to tell the age when it will develope the colour.My is now 7" and the tail and body already shown red and i came across in my country there are few pieces the same size as mine develope 60% of red scale on it body and some big gigas also don't even have that much of red scale.It too bad the asking price is to high.It cost 5X for the normal one
with just 7 inchs already has red scales ??? wow
mine is about 10 inchs and only some grey dots in his tail.
Even without the red scales, its a nice monster anyway.
BaTsBR;1820131; said:
with just 7 inchs already has red scales ??? wow
mine is about 10 inchs and only some grey dots in his tail.
Even without the red scales, its a nice monster anyway.
one of the breeder in my country told me that every fish will have red scale it only how much the red scale will cover the body.Don't worry the red will appear sooner or later
Zoodiver;1598952; said:
That was 145,000 gallons.
As far as we know, it's the second largest Amazon display in the world.

what do you mean "was"
Today I purchased "what they told me" a Arapaima Giga, he is 4" long, they also had a 2-year old 16" one (he was black w/little red showing). I'm wondering if what I got is a Arapaima cause his colors are Top is light black, the side os the body (most of it) is Teal/Green and the bottom is whiteish w/tiger like spots on his face....
what do I have?... lol