Zoodiver;1885752; said:Most of mine would only eat right from my hand. They are also smart enough to learn when/where they are fed if you remain consistent with the time/place you feed.
TLkmDN;2066240; said:prety sure red is the only colour
johnptc;2066292; said:mine act more like dogs than fish.......... no shame in begging when they see me....even swim around trying to get my attention
BaTsBR;1819403; said:In what age they usually becomes more colourfull ??
My two pimas hava about 5 and 3 months, and the older one starts to show some spotss in his tail, not red, just grey.
In here, Brasil, the big ones I see have red color marks, never seen another color before.
johnptc;2066292; said:mine act more like dogs than fish.......... no shame in begging when they see me....even swim around trying to get my attention
Zoodiver;2074223; said:.... For sure! They are fairly smart and know who gives them food.