ARTC Hemibagrus wyckioides, Mr. crankypants, 16"

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
As size increases with Hemibagrus, to say around 14”, their ability to tolerate tank mates dwindles to near 0. I’ve only experienced two sp. of hemibagrus second hand through a close friend who has had both Wyckii and wyckioides. Both had to be moved to their own 240 gal. Yours as you know will most likely do the same within two months maybe a little more time give or take, given the growth you’ve experienced. I’ve only ever seen one Black Devil Cat in an exhibit that was with larger Mekong river sp. and even then I would be nervous. But obviously they get paid the big bucks.
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With space and caves it’s possible to keep hemibagrus together without issues.
Currently have H.nemurus, H.filamentus, H.variagatus and two H.wykiodes all living together along with barbs, Synodontis and numerous other catfish.
Some of the stories would suggest yours should have torn all the cichlid to pieces in the jerk tank, I just don’t see them that way.
I'd say what Mike is saying was generally true IME in 240 gal tanks for both wyckii and wyckioides. But so far it has been working for the one ARTC with the 11 golden dorado (very snappy hunter, who he has been respecting for now.. who know for how long...) and for the other ARTC in the 300 gal jerk tank overstocked with highly aggressive fish.

Both Hemibagrus were model citizen in 4500 gal, ARTC 3ft and wyckii 27in. Not together though, different times, same tank.
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Took out the furniture from the jerk tank. Forgot to check later on any problems. 2 days later noted the ARTC got sucked on hard by Terrorist, the purple labeo, the alpha of the jerk tank. So the ARTC went to 1800g:

The bigger the collection of aggressive jerks one has living together...the greater the chances of the delicate balance of peace being disrupted by any changes in decor, flow patterns, etc. Even the most minor alterations seem to somehow tip that first domino and send everything flying.

I try not to get into a situation where I am walking a tightrope like that; just too dang much stress, on the fish and on me. :)