ARTC Hemibagrus wyckioides, Mr. crankypants, 16"

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The arrival of 3 ARTC, ~1.5"-2", one ~DOA, the other badly damaged, shouldn't have been packed in one bag:

The two ARTC have been doing well. One is 4"-5" now, the one that got the best position in the middle of the tank where most of feed is. The other is about 3" and is either not as assertive and ambitious or simply unlucky to have picked an inferior spot in the tank on top of the bottom drain screen.

While not the primary focus of the video, they are talked about and shown in the video. Also, the bigger one has gone into a different 240 tank (along with the golden dorado), so they are separated now.

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One ARTC earns a place of honor in the new 300 gal jerk / timeout tank:

At one end of the aquarist scale, we have folks with a single tank who steadfastly refuse to set up a quarantine tank, despite its obvious benefits.

And then, virtually alone at the other end of the scale, is Viktor. Never mind quarantine tanks; who else has a "jerk/timeout" tank for cranky big-ass fish? :)