Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Today, catching feeders and mud crabs, i've come upon a dinner plate sized pool of muddy water that was evaporating quickly, so i scooped up the contents to see anything interesting I found 5, 1cm Dwarf flathead gudgeon (Philypnodon sp.) Which is cool coz i've already got a 1'' one i saved from a putrid pond infested with gambusia. I have a question does anyone know how long it would take to assimilate mud crabs to FW???
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]List of noxious fish in Queensland.
1- Carp
2- Piranhas
3- Tilapia
4- Walking Catfish
5- Bluegill
6- Electric Eel
7- Grass Carp
8- Largemouth Bass
9- Mosquitofish
10- Nile Perch (alive only)
11- Parasitic Catfish
12- Pike Cichlid
13- Snakehead
14- Tiger Shovelnose Catfish
15- Tigerfish
16- Chinese Weather Loach
This is crazy, does anyone have any info on Noxious species in NSW.
They forgot Pauline Hanson on the QLD list. LOL
Drew'n'Kylene;3254290; said:
Today, catching feeders and mud crabs, i've come upon a dinner plate sized pool of muddy water that was evaporating quickly, so i scooped up the contents to see anything interesting I found 5, 1cm Dwarf flathead gudgeon (Philypnodon sp.) Which is cool coz i've already got a 1'' one i saved from a putrid pond infested with gambusia. I have a question does anyone know how long it would take to assimilate mud crabs to FW???

Mud Crabs assimilate best in hot boiling freshwater. 8)
Mud Crabs assimilate best in hot boiling freshwater. 8)
So do Barramundi!!!!