Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
tacklerat;1645596; said:
hi guys,i also keep aussie present 2-barra(30-35cm),1-silver perch(15cm),1 tandanus catfish(20cm) all in my 5ft tank,they all get on great.

Welcome to the forum mate!

Have a look around, you'll move on from the barra to exotics in no time. :D
Aussienative;1649135; said:
You and your friend need to go into business together, you are both growing your barra's 50% faster than most aquaculture companies. These companies provide ideal conditions to rear fingerlings.... feeding high protein pellets that are specifically designed for barra 4 times a day.
"Under the optimal conditions, barramundi are able to grow from 30 mm (0.5 grams) to 300 mm
(375 grams) in five months."
Growth rate is variable, but generally rapid. Typical overall lengths at the end of each year are as follows:

Year Length range (mm)
1 310-330
2 430-500
3 529-610
4 610-690
5 730-770
6 810+

I think the chart above is a little on the slow side


45cm/18in in 5 months.....9cm/3.6in per month.....3mm/.12in per day! is crazy growth in anyones language!

Arapima barely grow at that pace...[/qoute]

ive onl been keeping for 11mnths and ive had my barra fer 5mnths i bought him at 5cm and he is now 43cm long along with the other one that was 10cm and is now the same size so get your facts straight mate!
Hi all. Thought I'd join in on the aussie forum

at the moment i have a few scattered rainbows and blue eyes.

Just started with a 200L tank with a sleepy cod, balck eeltail cat, and a snakehead gudgeon - gettin there but want another couple of gudgeons to fill it out

Another new brackish tank custom made for a mudskipper with plenty of room for tank mates once the mollies disappear when they have done the cycling - strong desire for a bullrout for this tank or maybe a puffer, Too many opinions!
Tsubakai;1649440; said:
Hi all. Thought I'd join in on the aussie forum

at the moment i have a few scattered rainbows and blue eyes.

Just started with a 200L tank with a sleepy cod, balck eeltail cat, and a snakehead gudgeon - gettin there but want another couple of gudgeons to fill it out

Another new brackish tank custom made for a mudskipper with plenty of room for tank mates once the mollies disappear when they have done the cycling - strong desire for a bullrout for this tank or maybe a puffer, Too many opinions!

hey mate, get a bullrout they r a mad fish and get to a respectable size and eat anything they can fit in there gob! you could probably keep the stones and puffers together a sthat what im doing atm.

Cammo X
over the past couple of months of having my 3ft sitting there with water in it, i decided to stock it with natives and only a couple of non natives.

6 x silver scats ( size of a 20c piece)
3 x yellowfin bream
1 x puffer fish
2 x sand gobys
2 x bullrout
1 x black lancer catfish
2 x clown loaches
2 x spangled gudgeons
1 x crazy fish ( butis butis )
2 x sailfin plecs
1 x purplespot gudgoen
2 x archer fish

and lots of feeder fish, lol

most opf these fish i had already and i just tranfered them to there new tank
but the spangles, crazyfish,scats, bream,archerfish and puffer, were the only new fish i got.
they are all juviniles and the biggest fish in tehre is a plec bout 15 cm

Cammo X
amehel0;1647762; said:
ok put it this way ive had my barraz that are now 1.5 foot for 5mnths. and my mate had his barraz for 8mnths that are 2 footn soooo.......

would that mate be me?
if it is me, i had my barraz for 14 months, and they grew quite large really quick and then they stopped, my smallest one was 59cm biggest was 69cm.

anyway barraz grow according to food availabiltiy and other things, but mainly food, if you feed them live fish all the time ofcourse they are going to get big really quick, but if your feding them pellets mabye once every 2 days they will grow slower.

keep your barras on pellets and you will be fine , and dont overfeed barramundi EVER they will just poweron until they cant move in the tank cause they r so big from overfeeding,always try to grow them slowly uneless you have a pond or some kind of dam to put them, otherwise you will only get probs 1/2 years out of this fish.

Cammo X
went netting today and i caugth

a huge bass and a tiny one

3 monos but one escaped when the bucket broke

salmon tail cat

spangled perch
olive perchletts
and more
spartan;1548317; said:
it ok. i am really after a mangrove jack or murray cod. i see u have an unbelievable jack yourself. i live in sydney and would love it if i would get my hands on one. do you know of anywhere that i could get one from? preferably one around 8-10 inches. although any size would be fine. pm me with any information


my friend at the lfs just text me saying theyve got 6 cm jacks in but wont know a price till tomorrow, let me know if your still keen.