Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
good move not to try mix them i thought mine were fine with the sleepy standing its ground for a little bit. Till the sooty said no more and killed it. A barcoo will do the same thing eventually maybe take a day or two longer.
wait abou 2-3 months and ur barraz will be 60cm long. plan now to have a home other then that nice choice
amehel0;1645831; said:
wait abou 2-3 months and ur barraz will be 60cm long. plan now to have a home other then that nice choice

Come on mate, if you want to start an "aussie native stocking" section you need to give out accurate information...

Saying a barra will grow from 35cm(14in) to 60cm(24in) in 2-3 months is BS and you know it.

Where on earth did you get your "certificate" from? ;)
ok put it this way ive had my barraz that are now 1.5 foot for 5mnths. and my mate had his barraz for 8mnths that are 2 footn soooo.......
and also i get annpyed that everyone buys a barra even if all they ve got is a 6' even a 8' wont do and most of them either go to aquaculturer farms or public aquariums and eventually there wont be space left. it hink people need to plan ahead
You and your friend need to go into business together, you are both growing your barra's 50% faster than most aquaculture companies. These companies provide ideal conditions to rear fingerlings.... feeding high protein pellets that are specifically designed for barra 4 times a day.
"Under the optimal conditions, barramundi are able to grow from 30 mm (0.5 grams) to 300 mm
(375 grams) in five months."
Growth rate is variable, but generally rapid. Typical overall lengths at the end of each year are as follows:

Year Length range (mm)
1 310-330
2 430-500
3 529-610
4 610-690
5 730-770
6 810+

I think the chart above is a little on the slow side


45cm/18in in 5 months.....9cm/3.6in per month.....3mm/.12in per day! is crazy growth in anyones language!

Arapima barely grow at that pace...