Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I think your going to end up with a few short tailed grunters IMHO Cam .

Regs Steve
Maybe I have been unlucky I kept one with a jardini as I thought it might survive took a lot of hits from the jar then started sneak fin nipping so I took it out.
Several similar experiences with other fish.
But a jack just killed one .
And a barra just ate one. Thought it was to big to get eaten but I was wrong.

Regs Steve.
Some pics of my pond in it are many types of small natives .
It is a handy source of feeders .
IE firetail gudgeons ,western carp gudeons,empire gudgeons,olive perchlets,duboulays rainbowfish,flyspeck hardyheads which all breed in it.
It also has purple spotted gudgeons,striped gudgeons,Rhadinocentrus ornatus,pacific blue eyes which I dont use as feeders.
Last year I put 5 mariensis about 75 mm in and 10 silver perch last june dont know how the cod went .
I constantly put macrobrachium in and small glass shrimp but rarely get any in the traps so hopefuly some cod survived.

Regs Steve











Thanks.It used to be a pool I have also put some flathead gudgeons in and some cultured sea mullet but I have never seen or trapped any. At the moment its pretty cool to watch the western carp gudgeons breeding some breed the rest feed the eggs dont last long.
I put mops in and check them reguarly if theres eggs in them I put them in a growout tub this keeps the rainbow population up and I get a few Rhadinocentrus .
Somehow the gudgeons do alright by themselves but I get very few olives or hardyheads.
Regs Steve
Bugger, me Murray Cod died last night. 8(. I reckon that dodgy water change last week mighta finally caught up with him.

I'm thinking about just using his tank to put in a few archer fish, or some other smaller Australian native.