Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Do you know of a book that covers most of Australia i have these little guys i caught with gambusia and i wanna id them, or even a website i need to put a pic to them
amehel0;3567414; said:
how can you be happy bout the rain. i was stuck on the train for an hour and a quarter longer then usual. and the train station was flooded so i go wet ankles.(not that i cared bout the wet ankles)

on a better note i got my new book, freshwater fish f north eastern australia, by brad pussey mark kennard and angela arthington what a monster of a book, mnust weigh 2-3 kg its about 35x25cm and about 60mm thick. its awsome book.
cant afford one atm.
Danzig86;3567423; said:
Do you know of a book that covers most of Australia i have these little guys i caught with gambusia and i wanna id them, or even a website i need to put a pic to them

the field guide to australian freshwater fishes by csiro. post a pic on here and someone will most likely id them.
Hi Alex.
Pusey and Kennard described Guya wujalwujalensis the Bloomfield River Cod.

Regs Steve
syndicate;3567420; said:
there this realy neat transport device called a car :hitting:

I have a car but I have no F****** LICENCE
had to ride pushbike through the rain got soaked.

Regs Steve
aussiemonsters;3567493; said:
Hi Alex.
Pusey and Kennard described Guya wujalwujalensis the Bloomfield River Cod.

Regs Steve

yeh i know, masone on here did a mock recovery plan for uni on it. supposedly there going to survey all the cape, that will be cool. gonna find some new **** for sure
Dudzy;3567213; said:
:( you should of sent him to me when I asked :P

lol, I shoulda

Cammo X;3567221; said:
That sucks man.....


I reckon.

fishman112;3567243; said:
**** MAN!, how'd that happen?

I'm not quite sure, but maybe that dodgy water change from a week ago caught up with him?

aussiemonsters;3567263; said:
That certainly SUCKS !!

I reckon, after all the time and effort.

Eric A;3567355; said:
I'm agreeing with the last two posts. Need water in the tank, and a pond refil. (my ponds small so it'll most likely act as a water change too haha)

That sucks big time dingo. I'd set up a small rare aussies tank...

Yeh, I got two more fish to fill his tank for a while. 2 aussie bass.
Pumped 5000+ litres of water out of the stormwater drain in front of my house last night . The ponds filled to the top and got s*** load of the roofs. Some more this arvo, maybe more tonight.
Regs Steve