Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
aussiemonsters;3584115; said:
Went to pick up a free Jardini today its about 50cm in a 6x2x2 tested the water with a dip test stick and could not believe it.
ph high 5s
NO2 0 to 0.25
NO3 20+ ppm
NH3/NH4 8+ ppm

it was fat and hungry and very active. looks like it doesnt have much slime coat and the scales and operculum have a kind of etching pattern to them the operculum has bumps on it but no gill curl. one tough fish ,must have become acclimated to the water parameters. did a 10% water change while i was there the guy had prime so i double dosed the tank. going back tomorrow with a 200 litre esky to bring the water back with it so i can acclimate it back to reasonable parameters. some people should not be allowed to keep fish.

Regs Steve

sorry forgot it is a strange colour to scales very light colour ,dorsal and anal very irredescent green with no spots ,tail pinkish/red with only a few spots

Went and picked up the jardini bagged and sedated it got it home and into a 6x2x2 with the water it was in. Borrowed the biofilter that was running in the tank and it is running in the new one plus another one with new media. Started bringing the ammonia down and put stress zyme in will do another water change when I get home from work to sort the ph out a bit going to take it slow. Been 2 hours now and it seems ok.

Regs Steve
Just set up a 4ft for my mate, he wants natives but I don't know what he would like.
He mentioned archer fish.
But, he also wants more then that, and if they are big growers it doesn't matter as they can go in my pond.

Gimmie some suggestions! spangled perch and crescent perch maybe?
hes in full freshwater atm, i think he will live, just he may be extremely suceptible to disease.