Went to pick up a free Jardini today its about 50cm in a 6x2x2 tested the water with a dip test stick and could not believe it.
ph high 5s
NO2 0 to 0.25
NO3 20+ ppm
NH3/NH4 8+ ppm
it was fat and hungry and very active. looks like it doesnt have much slime coat and the scales and operculum have a kind of etching pattern to them the operculum has bumps on it but no gill curl. one tough fish ,must have become acclimated to the water parameters. did a 10% water change while i was there the guy had prime so i double dosed the tank. going back tomorrow with a 200 litre esky to bring the water back with it so i can acclimate it back to reasonable parameters. some people should not be allowed to keep fish.
Regs Steve
sorry forgot it is a strange colour to scales very light colour ,dorsal and anal very irredescent green with no spots ,tail pinkish/red with only a few spots