:'Danzig86;3676939; said:YaY my missus got me a copy of the field guide to fresh water natives as an early chrissy present WIcked booK....Now i dont need to know Clam LoL jk

:'Danzig86;3676939; said:YaY my missus got me a copy of the field guide to fresh water natives as an early chrissy present WIcked booK....Now i dont need to know Clam LoL jk
Between you and all my mates down here i cant get my missus out the door due to her inflated head!!! Ha i feel bad i hardly come on here n e more but aquariumsdownunder is CHOICE!!!!!Cammo X;3678280; said::'cry: ya GF's hot
Danzig86;3688441; said:Cam you're avatars hot and cold at the same time by the looks of it!!!! LoL
Fap fap fap
Ps I've found a guy on Youtube who "reckons" hes got a peacock mantis shrimp and only wants $30 plus shipping for it!!!!! Its in Vic!