No fish pics but I went up to my brother-in-laws aunts place up on the tablelands for a look-see. They have pademelons that come round for a feed and rat kangaroos. The boyds forest dragon was a lucky spot on a tree, been a while since I saw one. Did go fishing the other day when I was bored, caught and released 10 snakehead gudgeons from 15cm to 25-30cm. Setting up another tank tomor arvo, might go catch some stuff for it and get pics. I have a jack sitting in a tub who could go in, otherwise might just throw in some mouth almighties and catch a few butis and make it a mini pred tank. Failing that I reckon a big male rosenbergii or lar would be cool. If I get time during the next week will go to my friends and get some small jp off him and get pics of the breeding pond.Dudzy;3889298; said:Hey masone got any more awesome photos to show us?