Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I like striped gudgeons used to keep them, had one for 12 years carked it from old age I think.
Eels wrecked your opera house trap should have shrunk the openings keep the Bs out.
Pic of an opera house trap wrecker from NPD after a feed of redclaw.


cogs;4087051; said:
wow not cool i wonder have died from people leaving their pots out over night

Biologist from DPI that studies them says they can stay under 24 hrs +
Normaly the wire ring keeps them out, the old style traps with soft openings were death traps especially for turtles. Thats why they changed the regs too the 100mm max hard ring opening.
Cammo X;4081757; said:
Ah i know those Feederfishus fabigfishus.

:P Cam
Your a bad cnut!!!!
aussiemonsters;4084536; said:
Tank pics are striped gudgeons Gobiomorphus australis, cool mini predators, can grow to 25 cm, either girls or juvies, very hard to get off live food though.
I had a fire tail that only ate planaria!!!!

Dudzy;4084559; said:
25cm? nice didnt know they would get that big
Yeah man i'll get some snaps of a wild one me mate caught he's easily 18cms+
Dudzy;4089735; said:
I have decided to go on a secret fishing mission into a 'pubic place'....

wow a secret mission into a pubic place