Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Bichirs, pbass, rays, silver aros plus a host of other grey listers all in the sights for the 3rd tranche of noxious fish. List should be finalised in the next month or so, been some delays due to new QLD Biosecurity Bill (which replaces some parts of Fisheries Act incl noxious species). Will keep you posted when 3rd tranche is ready to go out for public submission but if you see me posting up WTB ads like crazy then you know what is going down. Got enough pbass (woot got freebie 8" pair of ocell to add to the other 6!!!) so will be hunting rays, silver aros and bichirs. Days of the tankbuster and oddball are very numbered in this country. (interesting to see things like boulengerella get low risk scores on the review, possible additions to import list? Risk matrix is seriously flawed IMO, just look at the different scores for different cichla and potamotrygon sp)
I'm hunting a silver aro now!!! i'm not f***ing around This goverment has gone to s** t creek. And now excuse me while i go and drown my head in the longtom tank for not buying that $350 ray the other day.
Anyone want to try to ID the 2 guys on the left they are 1 foot plus.
Got me stuffed.

Sorry to be no help steve. All i can say is their awsome. Let us know if ya find out any more info on them.
The tank is at the Walkabout creek wildlife centre on Mt Nebo rd at The Gap.
Never been there myself. Have to go and check it out.
They do look like moggies but 1ft plus?! Go check em out and get a clear pic for us.

There is a different kind of sleepy from Gap Ck, anyone who catches them recognises them as being something different. Big boofy head like that. My guess is the GK ones are some type of PNG species that has drifted down during the larval stage. Possibly the same thing? Haven't been up there and caught them for years, wil do a trip sometime and try get some for comparison.
Looking at them the head would indicate a male Mogurnda or Hypseleotris species but 1 foot plus ?
Eleotris fusca nearly get there but not E. fusca. A few Oxyeleotris grow big but none have the head shape ?
Where is Gap Ck. ?