Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
If you can't do the time, do the crime in secret ;)

JK, whats really stupid is the law about non importable, but you can own it :screwy:
Cammo X;2774049; said:
Who knows the person who buys it could breed them stock into a dam then the dam could flood, where do all the fish go.....into the waterways. Your probabaly thinking im an idiot and that would never happen, but it does it has happened with peacock bass before.
Care to elaborate? News to me and I've never heard of cichla in australian waters or any eradication efforts by DPI&F.

Cammo X;2774049; said:
If you cared so much about our Native fish and our rivers y would you risk having noxious fish introduced, just for your amusment???? pretty stupid, the country has laws for a reason, no need to go and be a "rebel" and do somthing illegal.
To be brutally honest I don't care to keep most of our native fish. Some species are quite stunning in an aquarium but most I find plain and boring. Having said that I have no desire to see them affected by introduced species or pathogens(which they have been, thank you guppies, mollies, platies, oscars and assorted common LFS cichlids). They are unique and need to be preserved and protected. I must confess, I do keep fish for my amusement, as I'm sure you do. While you get pleasure from watching your natives(you can thank me for those jungle perch you have some other time), I prefer exotics. Never tried to be a rebel and there's nothing illegal in my tanks either.
I don't know about Cichla being established in Australian waterways (just did a quick search on googlescholar, and turned up nothing), but my main concern isn't necessarily direct competition from exotics, but as masone has said: disease.

I'd imagine that most exotics either get eaten, or die upon introduction into Australian waterways for a number of reasons i.e. water quality differences, temperature fluctuations, different pathogens, starvation, highly territorial native fish (almost all Australian fish are bastards) etc. Not to mention the fact that quite a few exotics would probably do very little if any damage considering the fact that they do things that no Australian fish do and make use of resources that no Australian fish I know of can (e.g. bristlenose catfish, wood eating plecs etc.). Pathogens however, can be a bit more resilient and have the potential to inflict a lot more damage.

Personally, I don't believe anti-import laws would have a decent argument against a well quarantined, sterilised and micro-chipped specimen of any exotic species. The problem is not only making that argument to the correct authorities, but also being able to guarantee that the quarantining, sterilisation and micro-chipping will happen. It'd be much easier for a public aquarium (because most public aquaria are government owned anyway - I think?) than a private fish-keeper, simply because they have better facilities, more 'clout' politically (it's for education purposes) than we would, and would (in the eyes of the government) be more capable of containing the situation should something go wrong. Afterall, environmental agencies have few enough employees as it is without having to send someone to your house every now and again to keep an eye on things.
actually i may add that california hada majour macro algae problem when a marine keepr kept a calupra alage did a water change let out one bit of it and within 3 years california was covered in it. all waste water in qld form my knowledge is dumped to sea, therefore asny pathogen disease bacteria and parasite would die. recycled water will be introduced as 1 percent and without a host all nasties mention before would die thats if they even got past the recyling stage.

lbtw argue all you want your very unlikely to throw away an illegal that you fork out 750 bux for. even if you do even if 5 or 6 peacock bass were to be releaed in the brisbane river you need more then that to setup a population. i guess the problem is when shops start selling fish like pacu to anyone for a low price and not properly advising them on the size they can ascertain. thats when you get problems. one of my local shops has got a gar and an rtc plu some other illegals. the point is to get your hands on illegals youve got to know certain people and thoose people will suss you out before they sell it to you thyell check for tank size and tell you the size the fish gets if they get huge.
well they are the dpi have a new sick eagle noxious fish list.

you guys can keep going on about introducing exotic predatotrs, half of them wont survive winter. but eotd there here and so long as they stay illegal and there fore pricey then people wont replace em.
masone;2774275; said:
Care to elaborate? News to me and I've never heard of cichla in australian waters or any eradication efforts by DPI&F.

To be brutally honest I don't care to keep most of our native fish. Some species are quite stunning in an aquarium but most I find plain and boring. Having said that I have no desire to see them affected by introduced species or pathogens(which they have been, thank you guppies, mollies, platies, oscars and assorted common LFS cichlids). They are unique and need to be preserved and protected. I must confess, I do keep fish for my amusement, as I'm sure you do. While you get pleasure from watching your natives(you can thank me for those jungle perch you have some other time), I prefer exotics. Never tried to be a rebel and there's nothing illegal in my tanks either.

The dam that had peacock bass was a private dam that someone stupidly said they were stocking and breeding pbass on a public fishing forum, and they got brutaly flamed.

I do thank you for the Jungles, just like i thanked Alex for selling them to me.

As for people releasing expensive fish E.g discus have a read of this thread Bout 7th or 8th post down, say there are discus in their from keepers chucking them in there and even dams/pond flooding into the river, what if there were black bass in their.... or some other terrorising fish, as we all know B-Bass are pretty much a Jack on roids, they would destroy everything.

I guess it all comes down the the owner, since most people only want a fish so they can say "I have that fish and you dont" and brag about it.

And for the record im not having a direct go at you, since it sounds you took it that way..... im talking people/smugglers in general, only there to make a quick buck and dont give a ****.:irked:
