Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
eric a go to the dpi website, look at jungle perch they are listed as endangered with a bag limit of one and a size limit of 35cm. now the simple fact that all theese shops are getting atleast 3 fish from one person means that this person is already exceeding the bag limit. because lets face it you aint gonna wanna catch 1 jp a day. secondly the sale of jungle perch in qld is strictly prohibited.
Mate that doesn't make sense? Lol, how come you can legally buy Barramundi way under the legal limit? If the fish in question is commerially bred, laws about legal size don't apply to them or bad limits. That's what I think anyway, I could be wrong.
If we were talking about Legally bred jungles, then you should not have a problem, if you have a receipt of where you bought the fish from.

If were talking about Illegally caught Jungles, then the rules still apply. Kinda like fishing e.g, You go out catch 1 or 2 undersize fish and keep it, then you are breaking these laws, but these people are taking them for the Aquarium Trade.

As stated these guys are being commercially bred !!
Hello doesn't anyone listen.