Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
your not breaking the law by purchasing the shop is for selling. under qld laws even if its bred jungle perch are not to be sold. until that law is modified its still ilegal.
until the dpi get a whiff of this guy breeding them and its starts to become an easy to breed sustainable established aquaculture species and they are making fingerlings i dont see the law being modified.
Nice fish, 8D.

I got another Barra the other day, and put it in my tank with my 2 bigger Barras and my silver perch. The silver perch has taken to chasing the new Barra around, to the point where the Barra nearly carks it from being tired. I moved the new Barra into another tank til he grows bigger, I was about to move the perch, but I don't want to wreck the schooling the 2 barras and the perch have established with each other.

But this new Barra is a dud I believe, lol. The poor bugger, he eats feeders and evreyting, but he is almost always, and I'm not overreacting, but he is always resting on the bottom, the others always at least make the effort to float on the spot, lol.
I went and looked a few weeks back, and usually I see at least signs of fish from the surface, but I didn't see anything, there might be fish though, but because I saw no signs, I decided to chicken out and not put the trap in on government property, Lol, I'm so soft.