Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
By next summer these guys will be chilling in the new pond :D

Got this guy and two others a few weeks ago.

Also, the old one is getting stocked with Barra Bass and probs some tandanus.
Chris, you should post a pic of your Jar on the Arowana forum.
Dudzy, "Beware the dark side" lol. damn sicklids
BTW not a lot happening in this thread lately.
So how is your pond digging going? I got the top layer stripped off and hit large rocks at 30cm! Dammit! Until I can organise a lil bobcat in I have converted the pool into a pond. Why have 6000L when you can have 60,000 right? At the moment I have cherry barbs and gertrudes blueeyes breeding up, come summer the pbass and maybe the gars will move in. Then gotta think of what to stock the 7x3 with. Market is a bit flat right now, waiting for a fresh flush of fish on the scene.
Man nothing worse then running onto rocks or roots while digging.
I actually have some help tomorrow with the dig so that will be good- and holy sh*t next time I need to remove bamboo I'm gonna use TNT...
p.s. please tell me you go swimming with the fishes haha
hey guys

i'm guessing this would be a good spot to ask about what i should be feeding my saratoga jardini.

i been feeding him hikari gold pellets and crickets and the occasional beef heart but i think he's starving?? should i be puttin some feeders in with him or something?

just a bit concerned he's not puttin on weight

hey guys

i'm guessing this would be a good spot to ask about what i should be feeding my saratoga jardini.

i been feeding him hikari gold pellets and crickets and the occasional beef heart but i think he's starving?? should i be puttin some feeders in with him or something?

just a bit concerned he's not puttin on weight


What size is the Jar ? dont feed it beef heart, store bought crickets even when gut loaded dont have a lot of nutritional value, a treat not food.