+1I'd expect the drip system to actually be better for it if you are still changing the exact same amount of water a month. I'd think doing a large water change all at once would be harder on it than the slow drip
+1I'd expect the drip system to actually be better for it if you are still changing the exact same amount of water a month. I'd think doing a large water change all at once would be harder on it than the slow drip
Can’t believe the legend himself replied to my silly thread, not sure if you still live in cally but if you do I hope your house is okay I will forever be jelous of your platnuim dats pretty sure you were the only one in the US to ever have them. And thank you for the response I am in the process of implementing this system and I think I should have years agoI used to drip +4000 gallons into 3 separate systems daily. That 4k daily drip was enough to support over 30k gallons of fish tanks/fg containers. Luckily I paid commercial rates, so my water bill was under 1k monthly. My electric bill... well that's a another story. lol