Bad Cat, my personal Journey in to RTC

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Amazing thread, can't figure how I have never found it before. I hope that this blip in your RTC's appetite passes without incident. I always get nervous when regurgitation becomes a pattern like that. Blockage of some sort?
That is what I am really afraid of. But as far as I know, he has not eaten anything that could have done that to him. The last few years, he has been eating smaller and smaller stuff. No more whole chicken thighs n legs (together) then he didn't want whole chicken thighs... could be a progression of a problem 🤔
Still not eating. He slowly, really slowly... circles his tank. He will mouth food from my had, then just moves on. Now he has stopped searching with his wiskers...
Over the years, he has gone 3 to 5 months without eating. But he didn't loose weight. I figured it was some sort of hormone response to the seasons. Only, there was no rhyme or reason.
So this has me worried. At 9 years old?
He was not even acting old this past summer. He has plenty of room to zoom around, lots of filtration and our water quality here is good. (Sourced from a local glacier fed river)
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Great thread,love the artificial tree trunk in the first photo I've never seen it available before....hope your cat comes around and starts eating.
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Great thread,love the artificial tree trunk in the first photo I've never seen it available before....hope your cat comes around and starts eating.
Thanks. Yeah, I had all kinds of artificial trees n stumps. Not many left.... I now keep bare tank bottoms with really big rocks. That's about it.
Yeah, me too... Bad Cat is a fun pet.
I'm going to hook up more air bubbles for him. See if that helps.
Abominus Abominus You seeing this?!! How is yours doing?

Sorry for the delayed response, cockroach cockroach . Life has been hectic lately, and I’ve been extremely busy. Unfortunately, my fish have been affected too, and my RTC isn’t in great shape. I’ll share more details soon.
Loco Lucas Loco Lucas I am rather positive the diet is killing your RTC. It might have developed a fatty liver disease from eating chicken and the warm-blooded likes. Yellow in its eyes also might indicate a liver problem. If you described its diet now and over the years, I might be able to offer more thoughts. Perhaps there is a problem with a vitamin deficiency.
I'm sad to announce that Bad Cat has passed away. He had stopped eating, I reported that... he kinda lost weight, but then that stopped too? Strange....
Found him this morning. He weighted 16 pounds. I will burry him next to my cat I lost last year.
Fish are a funny thing to keep. They do have personalities, are beautiful, but yet... most do not live long and are fragile. Bad Cat had made several epic moves with me. The biggest being from Montana to Washington in negative 20° weather.
He will be missed, but I am not sure if I will even try to replace him. I think I need a break.
I still have bichirs anyway, 4 of them... a lema Cat, and a rare pleco... that's good for now.
Just over 9 years with a pet you become attached to them. Even if they are just a fish