Best Lights for Freshwater 180 gallon tank?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This looks dope. Is your tank also a 6 x 2 x 2? Did you get the 48-60 inch fixture?
Yes, it's 48~60 fixture. I made a custom extended wood stand to raise the light fixture up so light can reach out evenly entire tank.
I rarely turn any lights on so run nothing special. the lighting I am running on tanks dim. half the size for the tank. I can see them, and they can see me.
I had 3 sat+ fixtures on my 235g, 2 lasted less than 2 years. I wanted a 6' fixture so it wouldn't sit on the lids and I didn't want to hang the fixture so I went with It's my second fixture from them and I love their quality and customer service.20150718_205139.jpg20150718_205319.jpg
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I like the marine + models... don't care for the freshwater models, be they plus or standard. They look too yellow cast for me. If I want my freshwater tanks to take on a yellow glow, I'll use tannins and floating plants and light strips with a kelvin rating of 10,000 or slightly higher.

This is true, but I think the yellow cast is intended to highlight the plants. You could always go programmable freshwater LED and set to essentially any Kelvin. It just depends if you think it's worth it for the programmability.