Compatibility, the reality
When asked "will they get along ?" Sometimes the answer is as simple as yes or no, The truth is we speak in generalities some fish in theory should be ok together some not.The long broad sweeping statements are flawed as they are generalities I think we all know generalities are just opinions , but because we are dealing with animals each with its own personality its flawed.This question is harder with predatory fish, due to their natural habits ,predation! where they naturaly feed on the smaller , the weaker and the sick, claim territory and defend it . The actual answer is we don't know it's our best guess that they should or shouldn't get along.I know one of my bichirs is highly agressive which is completely different from what i have been told, so he's in his own tank , my others all conspecifics seem fine together which is oppisite from what i have read and been told. Its a case of trial and error to some extent and depends on the individual animal. When introducing a new animal into the territory of an established animal try rearanging the tank it tends to remove reference points for territoriality but most important watch for trouble and stop it before it goes to far.