Spring is here!
Not that you'd know it by looking outside. After an amazingly warm period several weeks long, with temperatures several degrees above freezing for many days in a row, our temps have begun to drop again, snow is falling, and the forecast calls for temps to continue to drop for at least the next week. To the untrained eye, winter looks like it still has a good grip on the landscape.
But that doesn't matter! An American Robin has appeared in the yard! And
that, boys and a girls, means that it's spring regardless of how cold it may be.
Okay, not really. This bird is likely one of the very few that manage to tough out winter by finding a ready supply of food. Robins aren't equipped to eat hard seeds like most winter birds are; they eat mostly bugs and soft fruits, so they have a tough time of cold weather. When one decides to winter up here, it's usually because of a good growth of grapes, crabapples or other fruits. The problem is that such food supplies can be obliterated in a single afternoon if a large group of Bohemian Waxwings drops in, and then a wintering Robin is doomed unless he/she can find something else to eat.
The one shivering in my yard now is likely a straggler whose food supply was cut off before winter came to a close, and now it's desperately looking for another steady source of nourishment. I always keep a big bag of raisins on hand for just such an emergency. Sadly, for every raisin that the Robin gets there will be a couple dozen that are scarfed up by the much-tamer Blue Jays, who descend upon a food tray before I have walked back to the door while the shy Robin looks on from a nearby tree. But Robins are tough; this guy watched the Jays swarming the food tray and quickly swooped in and got his share, so if I can keep it coming...and if he sticks around...he might make it.
I am also thawing some frozen mealworms I keep on hand. Those disgusting little squiggles of chitin-wrapped fat aren't something I would ever feed to a fish or reptile...but they are just the kind of high-calorie food that this bird needs right now.