
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
^ One of my favourite birds...and I'm not even 'Murrican! :)

They were fairly common back in Ontario, but seen only rarely from my property as they migrated over. But here in Manitoba, they are pretty common around my home all year; I like to drag road-killed deer and hunting-season gutpiles into the big pasture next to my house so that we can watch them in comfort. Safer for the eagles, comfortable for us...and not really hurting the deer any at that point.

And, in other news...the Robin is back and looking good! :)
Finally found some use for my Northfin tropical sticks - the magpies love them!

Man, I hope I don't have the same experience with Northfin. My LFS has just begun to carry their products, and the labels "read well"; so far my fish like their products I have tried. Their big carnivore pellets are a huge hit with my Jelly Cat...but so is anything that hits the water, so...:)

The Robin continues at the feeders today. Our recent 6-inch snowfall and several cold days must have represented a challenge for him, but he seems healthy, if not actually happy. Sadly, the forecast calls for snow to start this afternoon and to continue all through tomorrow and into Monday. We're expected to see an additional foot or more, but thankfully the temps will be mild, i.e. just a few degrees below freezing.

The approaching bad weather seems to spur a massive increase in feeder activity; it's hard to doubt that the animals are aware of the impending hardship. As I type this, we have at least 70-80 Redpolls in the yard, a dozen or so Chickadees, lots of Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Pine Grosbeaks, Blue Jays...all at the same time! We have feeders scattered throughout the yard, on all sides of the house, so I can't see all of them from any one spot; I'm scurrying from window to window like a little kid, keeping tabs on what's in the yard. :)

My makeshift ground-level feeder is working well to make my food offerings available to the Robin while (mostly) discouraging (most) other birds. I just wish my dog would stop peeing on it! :)
we have at least 70-80 Redpolls in the yard, a dozen or so Chickadees, lots of Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Pine Grosbeaks, Blue Jays

I'd love nothing more than to have a huge DIY feeder in our back garden. It'd be like double prizes really. The satisfaction of making the feeder in the first place, and then watching all the birds congregate to feed on the magnificent structure that I'd painstakingly manufactured.

The problem around our area though is that it would, almost certainly, attract a few birds, at first, and then the local grey squirrels would get in on the act, scaring the birds away, and attracting local cats at the same time.

It'd be a pointless exercise for me....unless I got one of those gun things that you have to ward off unwanted interest!
  • Haha
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I'd love nothing more than to have a huge DIY feeder in our back garden. It'd be like double prizes really. The satisfaction of making the feeder in the first place, and then watching all the birds congregate to feed on the magnificent structure that I'd painstakingly manufactured.

The problem around our area though is that it would, almost certainly, attract a few birds, at first, and then the local grey squirrels would get in on the act, scaring the birds away, and attracting local cats at the same time.

It'd be a pointless exercise for me....unless I got one of those gun things that you have to ward off unwanted interest!

Oh, this is how you mark your triumphant return from self-imposed exile? Driving the Waaaaambulance right into my thread? :nilly:

Esox, Esox, have no idea what you are missing by not feeding birds. You would get a few at first...and as time passed you would get more and more...and the mix of species would continually improve. You could even enjoy those disgusting aerial rats...i.e. House Sparrows and European Starlings...entirely guilt-free, since they are native to your balmy shores.

Squirrels can be a pest...but we are men, and our brains alone weigh more than an entire squirrel and most of his family. They are not onmipotent; a little ingenuity and perseverance and they are easily thwarted. People who wail about being completely flummoxed by a large rat with a furry tail, and who cannot figure out a solution to the horror...well, it takes all kinds, I suppose...

Simple squirrel-guards are easy to make and install; you can also get much more imaginative and create dastardly devices like some that I have cobbled together in the past, when living...or at least, urban areas. The Squirrel-o-pult, which worked so well that my father forebade its use after the neighbours began to complain about furry missiles being hurled into their swimming pools and onto their roofs...the Squirrelizer, which lovingly administered an electrical jolt to any arboreal rodent foolhardy enough to touch it (if you got the voltage just right, this also sent them flying pretty high; too much power and they would simply drop and begin smoking...)...and the much more pedestrian Wheel of Misfortune, which simply surrounded the feeder with a wire cage whose openings were too small for large mischief-makers like Squirrels or Crows to actually reach the feeder itself.

You can, of course, just buy a squirrel-proof feeder...but where's the fun in that? :)

Cats? I thought you liked those things? If not...I have simple plans for the construction of a vulture feeder....or you could perhaps contact a local reptile fancier who keeps pythons...
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What's with all the squirrel hate? I have a feeder just for the local Red Squirrels, which is also visited by several different species of birds.
Squirrels need love too. :)
Well, if they need love...they can look elsewhere for it. I'm not running a rodent singles bar. :)

But I don't hate them at all. I just take steps to prevent them from gobbling up all my birdseed, chewing up my feeders and chasing away the birds. dog Duke? He hates 'em! :)
  • Haha
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