Black lace clown angelfish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just some photo updates, they have put on some size since I’ve bought them. I’m quite pleased with their colors so far. They are difficult to photograph

Theirs colors are more noticeable with the naked eye than with the camera

3BDD0DBA-AAE2-47FF-89BB-63A5D5B14F64.jpeg FE3C9967-FEF1-435C-A376-04F5DE23F814.jpeg CD1D5D98-559D-46E7-B228-9647EC19AEAA.jpeg DD92F80D-B339-4C9D-8B1F-ACFED829BDC3.jpeg 28A99493-E27E-4C6C-B79A-965B8C36FED7.jpeg 02B80886-F4D1-4046-9D93-191D7D4BE1BF.jpeg A5047DD5-DFA6-4424-B662-1A566B292C46.jpeg
I do plan to breed them. I have two blues that I hope are a male and female that pair and then I hope two of my black laces pair, that would be ideal for my group, I would then sell 3 of the extra angels.

Though I feel like I have a lot of males, about 5 of them seem larger and more brutish that two of them.

I know these guys are about 3-4 months old as I’ve had them since December. Yesterday I seen one of them scoot over the glass like they do when they lay eggs. I know this angel wasn’t laying eggs but it seemed like practice lol (maybe I sound crazy) but I am very hopeful!!
Put a piece of slate or tile in their favorite corner leaning up.
Beautiful fish btw.
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All are growing well, blue colors are subtle but nice. One group has a nice teal green sheen to them.

The blue clowns seem to have a couple of pin holes on their fins, not sure why or how.
Plants include giant Val’s, hornwort (doing worse than any of the plants), crypts, some kind of bar sword plant, polysperma (not sure on its full name), Chinese ivy (not really grown yet), and sprites maybe. I have never heard that about hornwort, I have it in three of my tanks and it pretty much only does well in one tank.

Thank you, these are my first angels and I love them!
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