Black Widow Frontosa Growout

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Coming along nicely! Good blues on the fins.
Mine are growing, about triple the size from when I got them. Can't wait till they start showing the blue yours have.

Mine are going to be rehomed from my growout tank to a friend's display tank this weekend. Hope they continue the good growth and development.
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That was fun. Yesterday I had to move three big Phoenix barbs from the tank to the pond. Then took five XL tin foil barbs to the LFS. That leave one ugly KKParrot which the owner wanted to keep.
I think the Black Widows will do well in this new tank. It does have crushed coral substrate and under gravel filtration which is better then my high flow growout tank. It also has stacked rocks and wood. The BW did well putting on size in the two month that I had them but stayed in one end of the tank away from the current.
I will try to continue posting pics from my friend's tank which I maintain. The tank is a 4x4x4 island style. BW displays nicely in this tank.
Update. Added moba, yellowhead and clown loach.

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