Bloodworms to pellets

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I tried this method a little differently this week with great results and far less mess. I got some massivore pellets and cut them into 4 pieces each and piled them on a plate. Then I put a frozen block of bloodworms on top of the pellets and waited for it to completely melt over them. I took the bloodworms off and gave them to another tank of fish and fed the soaked pellet pieces to my 4-5 inch ocells and they are sucking them up. Ill try unsoaked pieces in a few days to see how it goes.

Way to go!
A million ways to skin a cat.
Id try gettnn em to eat the soaked ones...then try some non soaked right after so they are a bit confused while sucking them up still.
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Good stuff to know.
is this way can be use for 7-8" cichla? or only for juve?
i have 5-7" chicla still refusing to eat pellets even i discontinue feed any live food for 10 days and now i feel worry if my chicla still didnt accept the pellets i use sinking carnivore and carnisticks both from hikari. which way is the best way to make 7" chicla will accept pellets this way with bloodworms or krill? i never feed my cichla with bloodworm or krill since i bought them at 2" they only eat live food such guppy and molly
is this way can be use for 7-8" cichla? or only for juve?
i have 5-7" chicla still refusing to eat pellets even i discontinue feed any live food for 10 days and now i feel worry if my chicla still didnt accept the pellets i use sinking carnivore and carnisticks both from hikari. which way is the best way to make 7" chicla will accept pellets this way with bloodworms or krill? i never feed my cichla with bloodworm or krill since i bought them at 2" they only eat live food such guppy and molly
Long time lurker. First time poster I just got back in to the hobby after a long break. I just got my smallest bass to finally accept pellets thank god he way going to be left behind. But I would like to add that if you have bass that will accept pellets the ones that don’t accept pellets will eventually learn to eat them from there bigger brothers and sisters.
Yes they do and from other tank mates.
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Does anyone know if this works with brine shrimp as well? My ocells don't even touch bw so I'm hesitant to even bother..
Does anyone know if this works with brine shrimp as well? My ocells don't even touch bw so I'm hesitant to even bother..

I would say yes, give it a shot. I have some kels that have just started to eat cut shrimp I’m going to try this method with shrimp I’m confident it will work