Bloodworms to pellets

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I would say yes, give it a shot. I have some kels that have just started to eat cut shrimp I’m going to try this method with shrimp I’m confident it will work
So far what I have been doing is soaking some sinking pellets, then melting the brine shrimp into that cup. I mix it all up and drop it in, in intervals so they get used to hitting every few seconds or so. This way they are getting used to a feeding regimen of this type. Once they start hitting the pellets more often I will drop only pellets in without brine shrimp, on a random interval. They are now only starting to hit the pellets after about a month of this type of feeding. Does it typically take this long to pellet train these guys? Omg I was just about to lose hope but they started to hit the pellets this week.

This is my first batch of chichla so I don’t know what is typical yet.
So far what I have been doing is soaking some sinking pellets, then melting the brine shrimp into that cup. I mix it all up and drop it in, in intervals so they get used to hitting every few seconds or so. This way they are getting used to a feeding regimen of this type. Once they start hitting the pellets more often I will drop only pellets in without brine shrimp, on a random interval. They are now only starting to hit the pellets after about a month of this type of feeding. Does it typically take this long to pellet train these guys? Omg I was just about to lose hope but they started to hit the pellets this week.

This is my first batch of chichla so I don’t know what is typical yet.

some take a little work, I have had some bass take pellets inside of 3 days of offering, and some within a week and some rare occasions never so I would say you did good :)
Well I don't know about you guys but I have a special problem. I have 4 - 4" oscars in with 2-5" kels. The problem is that when I do all these different methods the oscars end up getting the food first. They get so fat I think I'm gonna kill them.
The only thing that has worked is the kels, after a few days started to hit freeze dried krill. I fake the oscars to one side of the tank and pop the krill in near the kels.
I have fooled the kels by taking a rounded krill and jabbing a stick through the middle. This works sometimes. Sometimes they can spit the stick out, sometimes it falls out. Works over 50% of the time.
So for me I think I could get the bass to eat sticks or pellets if I didn't have the oscars. The oscars are my 4 pet puppy dogs so they aren't going anywhere.
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My 6" kel ignored pellets for months. Finally began hitting and spittin....Once i added three slightly smaller Chocolate Cichlids the Kel suddenly began hoarding pellets. No issues now!
Well I don't know about you guys but I have a special problem. I have 4 - 4" oscars in with 2-5" kels. The problem is that when I do all these different methods the oscars end up getting the food first. They get so fat I think I'm gonna kill them.
The only thing that has worked is the kels, after a few days started to hit freeze dried krill. I fake the oscars to one side of the tank and pop the krill in near the kels.
I have fooled the kels by taking a rounded krill and jabbing a stick through the middle. This works sometimes. Sometimes they can spit the stick out, sometimes it falls out. Works over 50% of the time.
So for me I think I could get the bass to eat sticks or pellets if I didn't have the oscars. The oscars are my 4 pet puppy dogs so they aren't going anywhere.
Can you separate them until you have them pellet trained? The o’s will always be pigs when small and the chichlas will always be picky.
Can you separate them until you have them pellet trained? The o’s will always be pigs when small and the chichlas will always be picky.
No room no extra tanks. So for now its pretty much krill for the p bass.
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This is more of what I meant, just a suggestion to help get your bass caught up to the o’s
I used to do that divider stuff back in the day but it's last resort. Thanks for the input.
One kelberi is non-dominant and hides at times. So the less stress the better. Yesterday he ate 4 krills and was swimming about. Both Kels "hit" the krills if I position the oscars right. Yesterday oscars got peas and pellets.
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My 6" kel ignored pellets for months. Finally began hitting and spittin....Once i added three slightly smaller Chocolate Cichlids the Kel suddenly began hoarding pellets. No issues now!
Maybe it's because I have oscars they see they have no chance! Anyway I will keep trying.
I am going to start an oscar thread on trouble with oscars not eating. All posts will be blank.
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