A Ammon Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 7, 2025 16 1 3 21 Utah Yesterday at 6:32 PM #21 In that casinario I intend to give the Oscar some more aggressive tankmates. Such as convicts.
Something Fishy Here Piranha MFK Member Aug 26, 2022 443 431 77 Yesterday at 7:45 PM #22 You do you, but if you really want tankmates in a 125 theres better choices that still get a good size. Maybe the bocourti could have some tankmates, not sure, not too familiar with item. Chocolates, severums, geophagus, etc can all live together.
You do you, but if you really want tankmates in a 125 theres better choices that still get a good size. Maybe the bocourti could have some tankmates, not sure, not too familiar with item. Chocolates, severums, geophagus, etc can all live together.