You do you, but if you really want tankmates in a 125 theres better choices that still get a good size. Maybe the bocourti could have some tankmates, not sure, not too familiar with item. Chocolates, severums, geophagus, etc can all live together.
I have a 6'125 with a 12in male Midas and a 10in female Festae i do 3 80% WC a week (Mon,Wed,Fri) and trust me if your not up to that for the next 10-15 years then you need to listen to everyone here. in the last 6 months i've been measuring spaces to see where i can put a 180 just the 2 fish i have seem to big for a 125
I plan to do a 125 gallon tank with a red Oscar and a high fin spotted pleco. I want to include a group of fish with the Oscar. What suggestions do you have besides silver dollars.
Nothing bad to say about them their look just doesn’t work as well with an Oscar as I would like.
That thread talks about good Oscar tank mates. For the tank size you have.
Hate to tell ya, O's get bigger than that. Mine was a hair over 15 and still growing. Others here have had 14 inchers. They can max at 18 but are usually old in gigantic public aquariums.
For a 125 you could try
1 O and two parrots
or 1 O, one parrot and one acara
+ A few danios if you want fast smaller fish to mingle (likely snacks but some might escape or be left alone)