I have bred various FHs before, from first generation Midas x Trimac to Red Shock x Midas to Kamalau x Green Texas... I have never really tried to get any certain color patterns, though, so I don't know how to predict how the young would turn out. I know every batch of our Midas x Trimac fry are bland, light-gray until they reach about 2 inches... Then they start coloring out. We've gotten everything from Trimac look-alikes to ones that look like a Tortoiseshell cat (mottled orange and black), and everything in between. This is pretty much how it's been with all our Flowerhorns. Maybe there's a "method" to having fish throw certain characteristics (water temperature or pH maybe? I know this can affect livebearers and certain other fish) but I don't know specifics. Either way, good luck with your breeding!! Happy fishkeeping.