Building a 9'x25' pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah, jack russels.

The straws are for biofiltration. They have a pretty decent surface area for a trickle tower or can be put into a fluidized state in a barrel.

I am still planning the filters. Thinking of using several 55gal barrels below the pond for a vortex, mechanical, and bio under the lower deck. Been researching on Koiphen, ton of good info for ponds there, it has me in a bit of overload right now.

Bridge is almost done.

JRT are great dogs lots of dog in small package alert great watchdogs . There is a lake around here enclosed lake doesnt touch any canals and far from any other body of water its alligator free .
I go fishing sometimes there a guy takes his JRT and his Rat Terrier both dogs run into lake trying to catch peacock bass and ducks . Once they focus on prey they are like lazers
Summer vacation now so the progress should pick up a bit. Digging is never ending. It rained every day at first, then dried to cement the last few weeks. Finally got some rain last night to soften it up, and I got the bottom carved out a little better and around the bridge pier filled in and rounded out. The bottom is now becoming a bowl and is 6' deep and will have a 4" bottom drain.

The liner came in yesterday, 20x35 45milEPDM and is a nice 215lbs. The skimmer, BD, and case of brushes accidentally went to the wrong address so they are being sent out again and should arrive in a few days. I am heading out camping for the next few days and then will hopefully will get the bottom drain and plumbing to the filters done next week, along with digging the filter pit.

For filters the latest plan is: The bottom drain is running gravity feed to a 60gal vortex chamber for mechanical separation, and then to 90 gallon trash can filter full of banding for bio. For the top I am running a 4" remote skimmer to a 50gal square chamber (Walmart truck toolbox) full of black night brushes for mechanical, and then to either one or two barrels of banding or fishing line for bio. All of the chambers are going under the deck at the far end away from the pond where the old pile of decking is in the picture. The decking there will be hinged to access the filters. Each chamber is going to be connected with 4" pipe using uniseals and have a bottom drain for easy cleaning. I have a 2900gph pump for each line and the water will be pumped to the other end of the pond where each line will go through a 50gallon trickle tower and back into the pond.




In the last picture I have a rough outline of where the deck will be. The area along the fence where the scrap is will have the access to the filters. The deck up by the house with the lumber on it will have the Trickle towers inside of a bar facing the pond. I am also adding a door to the house to go directly from the bedroom out onto the deck.

Still chipping away at it. Over the past week I began concreting the top edge and around the pier. I built up a concrete lip behind the raised edge of the pond to keep drainage out and the walls from caving in. Used up 800lbs of concrete the other day, so back to the store for more. I finished up the bridge and built a lower 10x10 deck for an outdoor shower next to the deck I finished a few weeks ago.

New lower deck


The hole is taking shape.



Began digging the filter pit yesterday. Worked on the ditch for the two 4" filter lines and 3" return line today. Part of the ditch was dried like concrete and took a pickaxe just to make small chips. It has also been near 100 everyday so I made a little shade.



300 gallon settling chamber and 3 55 gallon drums for mechanical/bio. All still need buried...


Reinforcing the sides. The water will be above ground even with the tops of the 2x10s and bottom of the bridge.



I have a adapted the plan for the trickle tower and its now going to hold about 140gal of biomedia. It is still going to be inside a bar at the shallow end and come out as a waterfall flowing around 5000gph. Here is some of the fishing line the tackle shop has been saving for me that I will be using as media in it.
