Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2010
Hi, you have an amazing fish tank with wonderful collections, but out of curiosity how long does it take to refill the tank after you drain 10k gallons, is there a method you go through? I saw some pond videos on youtube using their water hose to fill their pond and it take like a day or 2 to fill those ponds up.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 13, 2005
Johnnybravo60025;4775585; said:
What's the feeding regimen like on this tank?

It varies but the present schedule is like this:

Sunday Pellets made by Martin Mills Inc
2mm Koi 1 lb
5mm Koi 1 lb
3mm sinking trout 1 lb
4mm floating trout 1 lb
5mm floating trout 1 lb
6mm floating trout 1 lb
7mm sinking catfish or Trout 3 to 4 lbs
Also when avaiable
9mm broadstock 1 lb (Normally only available in the March to June period)

Tuesday Makerel and/or Herring varies on their appetite but normally between 15 and 25 lbs. The Wallago's, Piaractus and brycons don't eat much herring. When available white lake trout, pink salmon and lake smelts. I thaw the fish out on several flat trays and feed while semi thawed not completely thawed. The hundreds of cichlids eat the small particles of fish which helps the tank from getting too cloudy.

Thursday Wardleys Flakes about 2 full 2lb margarine containers. I buy Wardleys in the 25 lb containers. Sometimes I feed Tetra Min Flakes which I buy in the 4lb containers.

Other foods at various times:

Peas, canteloupe, grapes, bananas and apples

also bread slices, pizza crusts, rice, tuna, salmon and dew worms.

Before major feedings (Flakes, Pellets) I do a backflush/rinse cycle on the bead filters which lowers the water 2 to 4 inches (1,000 to 2,000 gallons) and prevents the food going out the overlow. Every inch of water in the tank is about 482 gallons. It is not needed during Makerel/ Herring etc. feedings.

I turn the pumps off during feeding and back on about 10 minutes after feeding.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 13, 2005
kuro;4806050; said:
Hi, you have an amazing fish tank with wonderful collections, but out of curiosity how long does it take to refill the tank after you drain 10k gallons, is there a method you go through? I saw some pond videos on youtube using their water hose to fill their pond and it take like a day or 2 to fill those ponds up.
It depends on whether I fill it with cold water out of the tap or heated water out going through my Tankless hot water heater which has a slower volume.

It takes me 7 days to fill the tank with cold water when completely empty.

10,000 gallons takes about 30 hours with straight cold water being added. The tankless hot water heater can be run at the same time used as a radiator with a closed loop which can keep the tank at it's present temp.

If I fill going through the heater it takes about 3 days to fill 10,000 gallons.

I also can fill the tank quicker by taking water out of my 15,000 and doing a major water change there later. This is practical if I am having friends in the 15,000 to catch fish and need to lower the water by 10,000 or more gallons.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 26, 2010
:jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::hitting::hitting::hitting::hitting:Dude you are all over the internet. Google images, youtube, everywhere. I bow to you. Love the fishes.... lolz how do u do your water changes I wonder...


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 13, 2005
OMGFISH;4807483; said:
lolz how do u do your water changes I wonder...
To remove water it is actually very fast. I Just put the pumps on backflush or rinse mode and divert the water to one of my outside ponds. To fill them back up just look at the post on Jan 18.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 21, 2011
Well said, "dream Mega," instead of big. lol wow You must own the water company, right? This is awesome; and a good life changing thought, "dream mega." I will have to dream Mega!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 5, 2009
In search of Leiarius
Mr. arapaimag,

In one of your Youtbe vids you mention a nile catfish and it looked real nice, I am wondering if you remebered the latin name for it? My internet searchs come up dry.



Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 13, 2005
Clarotes laticeps

The common name given by That Fish Place in Tonawanda New York (Jake) was the Blue Nile Catfish. Pet's Plus in Lockport also used the same name.

I bought 2 from TFP both cost $20.00 and were 5" long. The first (1997) and slightly larger one died in 2004 and was the dominant one at 27"tl. The second (1998) just died in the late fall of 2010 at 26" (when body was straightened). It was very old looking the past 3 years as it had that 100 year old bent spine look to it.

The have a huge mouth and easily take down 12" mackerel and cichlids up to 10" whole. However it seldom ate the last 3 years it was alive and always had a sunken belly and it looked like it was on its last legs for every day of those last 3 years.

The bent neck is natural in the genus. The genus is named from the greek "klaroten" which refers to slaves (people with bent necks).

I seldom see them in stores but Oliver Lucanus had them on his list in 2008. He called it the African shovelnose cat from the Niger and sold his at 4" for $18.

Planet catfish has no common name for it.

