• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

This picture was taken by James Martin when he came with Rusty Wessel in late February to my house.

It is an Electrophorus electricus that I bought from Biotope Import Inc in 1999. Sean, Oliver's partner delivered it from Montreal to my house. It was between 11" & 12" long.

So I've had it 12 years and the last time anybody measured it was about 44" long. I have had a bigger one that I bought from Amazon Aquarium (Bob & Lewis Russell) on Bloor Street in Toronto in 1988 that was 54" when it died.

This one is in a 480 gallon tank (1,816 litres)

He has a small shoal of Xiphophorus maculata (sunset variety) in his tank with him. I use a Fluval FX5 on it with a blower providing extra air. I also have a 1650 gph circulation pump to help keep any debris from collecting on the bottom. No substrate at present.

This fish has all three electricity producing organs. The Hunter and Main organs for stunning prey or defence and a small sachs organ for communication and location orientation. The older mine have gotten the more intense the orange colouration.

He eats mackeral, herring, trout, salmon and snails.

These three pictures where taken by 2 different cameras at the same time within seconds. The first two by James Martin the last one by Rusty Wessel.

The fish is my Gymnarchus niloticus (aba aba) that I bought from John Kick at Pet's Plus in Lockport NY in 2000. So he is 11 years old now. He was 7" when I got him for $40.00 and now is between 37 and 38" long and growing very slowly.

He has been in lots of different tanks and even outside in outdoor ponds over some summers.

He is in a 520 gallon tank (1968 litres). The tank is 26" high by 96"by48". Just poecilia reticulata in with him at present and snails. Fluval FX% filter and an Aquen circulation pump running. A few airline/washer bubblers.

Eats shrimp, mackerel, herring, trout, salmon, smelts etc.

I noticed a 2 foot plus G. niloticus and several babies at The Fish Place in North Tonawanda NY if you want to add a fish to your collection and be MFK.:naughty:


