• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

SimonL;4974594; said:
Wow, and I finally know someone who owns that big plastic ship! The Boulengerochromis is looking huge, nice to see them in the 15k :D

The Bouleneeeee is doing great.

Thanks for the boat I hope you still have other bath toys.......
A couple of pics of the Boulengerchromis.

I bought the fish wild caught from Jerry Draper at the Tropical Fish Room in Brantford Ontario in 2007. The fish has been a slow grower and is only about 20-21" long. (He is at least 20" because he was measured in 2010 at that length).

I raised him in a 180 with 3 others then separated them to their own 180's after 3 killed one. Then he got a 250 by himself for a while that is where SimonL saw him in 2010 when he came over for a swim in the 15,000. Then he was moved in 2010 measured and put into the 15,000.

He was a passive fish in the 15,000 the first few months but now occasionally shows a more aggressive nature especially when eating. Still rates as a calm fish overall though.

He eats a few of the cichlid fry in the tank but really enjoys most Martin's Koi and trout pellets, herring, mackerel and even flakes.

The first pic was taken by James Martin the second by Rusty Wessel just minutes apart on the same day they visited on February 20th 2011.

man!!..that is HUGE..and an awesome tank..!!!
you are so lucky..you can swim with your little buddies!!..
thanks for sharing your Joy with us..
lot of inspirations to take in to account, from your passion and dedication!!..
More James Martin pictures.

These are my Paraneetroplus synspila adults in the 15,000.

There is a lot of controversy over the species and the genus.

Lee Nuttall told me they are Paratheraps Bifasciatus
Bob from Aqua Tropics told me they are Vieja Bifasciatum or a hybrid
Don Conkel feels they are a Vieja Bifasciatum/Synspilum hybrid
Rusty Wessel feels they are Vieja Synspilus

I bought the from Aquarium Services in 2006 at about 1" for $1.33 each (3/$4.00) as Vieja Syspilum.

They are nice fish anyway. The last 2 are the parents of the shoal in the 52,000.


THIS TANK IS AMAZING! I can only hope to have a tank like this!!!! GREAT JOB!!!
- Cierpke
arapaimag;4980411; said:
Thanks very much and a warm welcome to MFK.

i apologize..mate..
i didn't read about your condition..
i was so amazed by your project and the images ..that i left the part to read it out and posted in excitement...foolishness from my side..sorry..
but really!!..what an amazing tank!!..i didn't even heard of the names of most of the fishes which you have!!..
Truly hats off to your fish keeping passion...
I didn't notice you keep discus as well. What are the conditions in their tank?
(By the way, is there a species or genus, etc, that you are not interested in?)
One more thing. What do you do with the guppies that born in the ponds in summer. I guess there are thousands of them...