Welcome to MFK. You do have large tanks with 2 400's. Hopefully you will see some cichlids in the video that neoprodigy is assembling for me but although there are hundreds of cichlids in the tank I don't have any monster cichlids in the big tank and he will be focusing more on my pimas etc.oconnordaithi;832265; said:Wow I would just like to congratulate you on your amazing tanks.... Im new to the forum... I hail from Ireland and keep mainly CA Cichlids.... I have a fish house
and my idea of a big tank is 2 x 400 gal tnaks which I just purchased.... lol Guess that seems kinda small to you any chance of some pics of the cichlids?
I find that cichlids 12 inches or bigger (there are exceptions) are hunted more so than the cichlids that are smaller and able to use the lava rock when warranted. I do have an exceptionally mean dovi that might make it mainly because it has put a hurting on a lot of fish that have grown big while they were younger.
I have a few pics of cichlids in my article inventory of fish in the 15K
including my large dovi that at one time measured 22 inches total length. He is getting old now and shrinking like the rest of us. He has had hole in the head a few times over the years but it goes away in a matter of days sometimes and stays away for months/years.