Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
arapaimag;838906; said:
Welcome to MFK

Everyone who keeps monsters is very crazy............................

What monsters do you have?

Send me a picture of your tank when the fish are in it.

I'm afraid I won't be having monsters, the only monster for me is a 700L tank. I want a natural looking planted tank to keep a few lucky fishes happy.
ferco;844294; said:
one day... ;)
this is soo cool! keep the updates coming!

Richard what a great video you made with your archers and your late crickets.

Great to hear from you.


kazmir;845733; said:
i been thinking of a indoor pond but now would be embarressed after seeing this

Please never be embarressed. We are all hobbyists who enjoy large fish. So go ahead and build your pond. Your fish will really enjoy it.

It is pond time and I thought you might enjoy my koi and outdoor pond. The koi are nothing special except to me because they have been my pets for many years unfortunatly several passed away due to a bad winter.



I can't believe that tank. i am so jealous. I am going to build one but it wont be anyway near that size.
unbeatablec;860405; said:
hey, the only monsters i keep are piranha's, you have any of them?

I've got a few.

Here is a piraya I 've had 10 years this November. He is in a 180.