Bumblebee Oscar updates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
How big are the trimac??
I started with six, rehomed the one accidental female out of the group and am down to five fish. These are in the 5” range on at least two, and the other three just a bit smaller. Two are going to grow out just a little more to hopefully pick one as a keeper. I had to put in dividers into a couple tanks and move fish around to make sure they didn’t kill each other. Im so sick of looking at trimacs right now, lol. Plus I moved fish around and have an 11”red devil using up a 90. Not sure if he is a keeper or not but giving him a little time.

I have the trimac up for sale on a local forum but may talk with a local fish store this week to see if they would take them for store credit.
Poseidon2.0 Poseidon2.0 , great “baby” pic of the Bumblebee, look forward to seeing more.

Remembering back to when Rapps was selling these as orbicularis, there was talk and debate back then as to whether or not this was proper naming. But there was just so much mystery surrounding these fish we just accepted the fact these were a wild pattern Oscar that looked awesome no matter what the name. Then crassipinnis was being called a different oscar with a bunch of information telling us these were a smaller variety had would basically get 10”. Lots of confusion back then! Again a big thank you to Kevin@TUIC Kevin@TUIC for helping clear things up with your post.

Oh and don’t even get me started on discussions talking about differences based off things like the spotting on the lower jaw and body. lol
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Brilliant info, love the pic's, really enjoyable thread, I just need to get to know the names. These are my two new Oscar's, bought from the shop here in NZ only a week ago, so maybe just over a month old. My son and I have named them Levi and Thumper but The wife has christened them Arsehat and cockwomble. Any chance of confirming their Latin name please? Sorry about the camera work, bit of an art photographing fish I'm finding out.20210718_155625.jpg20210718_160224.jpg
Ok. After running these old photos through Photoshop I think they will post now. There is one more shot of the "baby" (when he was around 4 or 6 months old) and three of the adolescent (8-12 months old) Darth Vader. His body is a bit more tapered compared to the a. ocellatus, or so it appears to me. I'll post a couple from more recent shots too. His orange highlights really came through more as he got older.
Ok. After running these old photos through Photoshop I think they will post now. There is one more shot of the "baby" (when he was around 4 or 6 months old) and three of the adolescent (8-12 months old) Darth Vader. His body is a bit more tapered compared to the a. ocellatus, or so it appears to me. I'll post a couple from more recent shots too. His orange highlights really came through more as he got older.
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Beautiful fins on that one