Bumblebee Oscar updates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Update... Been a few months and I sold off some extra Trimacs and rehomed a big red devil so I opened up a growout tank and will have a 90 available after I rehome one more trimac.

But for now I went down to Portland for the day and stopped at...
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And look what followed me home...
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looks like i read this thread a lil too slow -

i have a 10”er i would sell you - in Seattle - you’re Lakewood right?
The little one looks more bullet like than your typical store bought oscar. Or maybe it's the angle?
It might be the angle but the wild caught oscars always seemed a bit ‘different’ when it came to the shape. This is a pic of a wild caught Columbia Oscar I had a few years back, also from Wet Spot
A shot when younger, it had that noticeable ‘bullet’ shape.
The new oscar ate very well yesterday, which included some Hikari Vibra Bites and frozen brine shrimp. Watching this guy at the store was quite interesting, he was in with a sibling and a bunch of other SA cichlids. These two 'bumblebee' oscars were very aggressive towards each other and tankmates. Going down the asile in the store to the regular CB red/albino Oscars was a completely different situation, they all swam around together without a hiccup. Granted I have no plans to keep this guy with anything except maybe a small pleco but the aggression in these WC fish was very evident.
The little guy has attitude when he eats, very aggressively lunges towards his food. I have been feeding the Hikari Vibra bites because all my other pellet foods are just a bit big for him. I got news that a person is interested in my extra trimac so this will open up a 90 gallon for the little guy but he would do fine in the 65B for a bit longer. Im sure he will grow at the typical ridiculous rate oscars do but will take a few months before its an issue.

Not sure when I move him to the 90 if I want to leave the dark substrate or swap it for a lighter. I noticed that the fish that Ive kept on this substrate have looked very dark and I dont want the oscar to be so dark that the banding does not “pop”. Will wait and see how it develops on its current light substrate and make the decision when it comes time to move him.

I am curious if he would allow a school of fish like my last bumblebee did? I kept Australian rainbow with it and he never ate a one. Also had a L114 pleco with it and never messed with it. Maybe I will get a group of black skirts or something to try out with him and see his disposition. It really is a cool thing to see a large fish with small schoolers and they are swimming around without a care because they wont get eaten. Ive accomplished this a couple time in my years of fish keeping but it was usually a special fish that would allow it.