Bumblebee Oscar updates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Looks like he/she has the bones to be BIG.
Yeah, after losing my big pearsei in my 300 Im tempted to move him in but at the moment am growing out a Bocourti for the 300. Tough decisions.

Ive been feeding him light to keep his growth slower as opposed to the rate I know he is capable of. Im trying an experiment on my fish. Slower growth to see if I get longevity out of them. Im tired of all my losses at 9-10 years on my fish. Im trying to be patient on their growth and try to get 12+ years out of my fish. Just an odd theory and experiment. Im not a constant change kind of fish keeper. Try to be more of a wet pet for its life sort of guy. Will see how it goes.
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Reactions: jjohnwm and RD.
Looks great Dave! Makes me want to get one again.
Do it! lol

Yep, he is a fun one. Typical Oscar in many ways but something still different about him. He has been living with a small L001 pleco that he could have ate at any point but just ignores it. Even though he is a wild caught you wouldn’t know it. Seems as outgoing and as much a begger as any captive born fishes Ive had. My F1 trimac on the other hand acts more like a wild caught fish and is very leery and suspicious.