The Ph in my 170 gallon is always on the rise. I’m not falling into the whole going insane chasing my PH cause it MUST be exactly where I want it routine. But, I would like to know why.
Out the tap,
PH- 7.4
AMO- 0
N02- 0
N03- 0
GH- 8*
KH- 4*
Out the tank,
PH- 8.0
AMO- 0
N02- 0
N03- 10-20 (using ferts for plants)
GH- 8*
KH- 4*
As you can see, the ph creeps up 0.6 points. I tried to recreate this in a bucket with an air stone for 24hrs and had no fluctuation. Something in the tank is changing things.
The substrate is pool filter sand and the rocks are fake. All my plants are real. I do keep discus so my water sits around *84-*85 degrees.
The sump is pretty basic, the media consists of sponge and ceramic rings/ blocks. Running a large air stone and a sponge filter in there.
The tank is tall so there is quite a bit of vertical fall for the water to travel. Between that, the overflow, the sump, air stone and the two returns pointing at the surface I’m sure I’m getting more than enough aeration and gas exchange.
Could this amount of off gassing have anything to do with my PH rise?
I’m okay with the numbers, the tank seems to be stable. I just don’t like unknown variables. Not knowing why this is happening is driving me crazy. I know I’m over looking something.

Out the tap,
PH- 7.4
AMO- 0
N02- 0
N03- 0
GH- 8*
KH- 4*
Out the tank,
PH- 8.0
AMO- 0
N02- 0
N03- 10-20 (using ferts for plants)
GH- 8*
KH- 4*
As you can see, the ph creeps up 0.6 points. I tried to recreate this in a bucket with an air stone for 24hrs and had no fluctuation. Something in the tank is changing things.
The substrate is pool filter sand and the rocks are fake. All my plants are real. I do keep discus so my water sits around *84-*85 degrees.
The sump is pretty basic, the media consists of sponge and ceramic rings/ blocks. Running a large air stone and a sponge filter in there.
The tank is tall so there is quite a bit of vertical fall for the water to travel. Between that, the overflow, the sump, air stone and the two returns pointing at the surface I’m sure I’m getting more than enough aeration and gas exchange.
Could this amount of off gassing have anything to do with my PH rise?
I’m okay with the numbers, the tank seems to be stable. I just don’t like unknown variables. Not knowing why this is happening is driving me crazy. I know I’m over looking something.