Catfish Bonanza


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
amazonfishman;1151540; said:
Cliff, very nice updates man. Glad to see all your shovelnose and various other kitties are doing well. I do need a favor....some indepth filtration pics/info via pm...I still haven't done it :(

Ummm, my filtration on the pond is lacking. I have the stuff to do it up right, but seems like I have to repair a leak everytime I turn around. This pool is just irritating. I can't wait to have the bigger tank up and running. I will be adding another 5 gal bucket full of scrubbies to the 1100 gal and to the 350 gal to keep up with the growing demands on the bioload. Think I will just try to focus on getting my tank built. Best thing I can say to do is get a large tote like 40 gals, put a divider in it with silicone. Drill holes on one end, this end will have pillow batting to take out debris. drill smaller holes in the divider. Fill the other side with pot scrubbies, and put a pump or two in this chamber also. Now drill a hole for the outlet. Fix the tubes from the pumps to go out of the tote. Put the lid on, and crank her up. That should be some great filtration for the time being. That's pretty much what I did just on a smaller tote. I will either add a 5 gal bucket full of scrubbies, or just make a bigger tote to put the old and new scrubbies in with the same pump. Another note is that this type of filter is like an in the tank canister filter(sorta), it will want to float at first so you will need to put some rocks in the bottom, and some rocks on the lid to keep it from floating off or come up with some plastic clips to hold the sides down.

Also I noticed in a couple of the pics it looks like your TSN's have lightened up alot color wise especially behind the gills to the tail. Are they eating normally still and fine? Reason I'm asking is mine did the same thing when I moved it into the pond. Eating like a horse still but definately alot lighter especilally at night. I need to take some updated pics of mine but have been lazy lately. Do you have any full or mostly full overhead shots of the whole pond?

I will try to get some overhead shots of the pond, lol have to stand on the other pond to do it. The tsn have definitely lightened up, but I think it is due to the fact that they are actually in the dark for longer periods of time, and when I turn on the lights they go pale for a little while, but resume their normal colors after about 30 mins or so of the lights being on. They eat fine, and grow quicker than ever. They are rather lazy in the pond. Of course I kept them with limas before they entered the pond, and they just schooled with the limas and acted like them. After they settled into the pond they just lay around all day and are just active at night which seems normal enough. All my fish are lighter colored when I first turn on the lights though. Seems to spook them like they just saw a ghost. The jau is the worst.

How far off is your "real" pond the 4000 gallon one? I'm plotting much like yourself about mine down the road to house my shovelnose and actually in the market (pending I don't blow all my cash on azuls and other pbass in the near future) for a large Juruense since I lost my smaller one and maybe another planiceps since its about the right time for the babies to come into Baltimore area again. Glad to see all is well bro ~Trent
I have the glass for that tank(consider it an actual tank because it will be viewable from one side.) I am going over the price of everything. Seems like just the lumber for the frame is going to cost right at $580 dollars. After than I have to figure in cost of plywood, a case of silicone, some kind of sealant for the wood. I will be coating all surfaces with fiberglass before I seal it. Right now I am pretty much comming up with a very smart idea for framing the window. I will be starting an article soon, but this will be a long drawn out process. I expect working alone, with very little help it will take me at least a year. I am going with a very sturdy design that I will share soon. The filter will probably be at least 500 gal capacity. Might even keep some fish in ther lol.


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
lol that ended up weird. I answered between your qoute. Definitely interested in another planiceps.


MFK Member
Apr 7, 2005
On the Rio Araguaia, I wish...
Hehe yeah the quote was a little obscure. Glad to hear your in the planning stages already. I won't be starting my big tank like that for probably another 2 years or so and then after I start I will be in the same boat as you, the only person working on it and working on it gradually over a long time because going big isn't cheap ;)

My TSN is lazy also it sits in the same spot with my planiceps in my pond all day and occasionally makes a lap around the pond. The Lima cruises the pond non stop its really neat to watch and its very intrigued at feeding time, it will just about eat shrimp out of my hand and for a Lima I thought that was pretty good. I posted up a few new pics of all mine in the pond under my thread, you can see a little of the lighter color I was talking about in the pics but not like you do when I come in at night and turn the lights on, I mean honestly my TSN looks xanthic almost its weird...

I will let you know about the planiceps when I hear if they are available again, and you got pm about the other catfish we were talking about :)


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
Tnx appreciate it trent. The wife is putting some limits on my fish keeping activities, think I'll have to put some limits on her purse keeping activities lol.


MFK Member
Jul 11, 2007
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia/Perth, Australia
HEY GUYS. IM BACK IN MALAYSIA!!! just arrived home baby! i know uve been waiting AGES for pond pictures and i took a couple of shots of the pond and my new custom made tank. i have to say that the pictures are really bad cause its so dark. but tomorow morning when the sun is shining i promise to take more. This will have to do for now :p sorry the strong lighting at night combined with the darkness makes things look weird. tomorow will be better i promise!


MFK Member
Jul 11, 2007
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia/Perth, Australia
i know its very hard to see from the picture but the CKs are actually the longest fish in the pond (to my shock and horror after not seeing them for 7 months) but yeh hard to judge size in these pics considering the pond is 5 foot deep...