"Cenote Tanganyika": 300G build for our 26-inch Mbu puffer...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Interesting about the food, I agree. I need to start doing this. I'm more a fillet type or market shrimp they are just so easy. I get lots of frozen Tilapia fillets and cut them into bite sized cubes lol. What do you do about your Mbu’s teeth? Are they over grown? I can’t imagine the Crawfish’s outer shell is wearing down the Mbu’s teeth?
Teeth seem normal to me, no excessive growth. The crawfish appear to be enough in that regard.

Awesome thread. Thanks for.sharing

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How are we doing OP?

Ha! Doing great, thanks. Guess it's been while since I updated this thread. No major changes. Recent but crappy iPhone photo...


The Mbu and all his Tanganyikan buddies are doing fine. The lone male Lamprologus brichardi (which we have had forever...), somehow decided to spawn with the lone female Lamprologus leleupi we have, so there are now about fifty, inch-long mutt-babies in there but I don't mind. They are actually not unattractive and lend some character to the tank population.

Aside from scooping out his giant turds and the usual water changes, the most maintenance I have to do is trimming the plants which are growing out of the tank. The Pothos, in particular, really gets out of hand. Also, one of the Moth orchids which my wife bought for me as a valentine gift last year, is sending up a new flower spike so that is exciting.

Thanks for bumping this thread. It will remind me to keep it updated!
Thanks, he is a member of the family. I need to clean the tank and take some pictures with the DSLR. Another crappy iPhone pic...

