Centrarchid info

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah, I'm gonna continue to fill in to, right now I'm keeping bluegill and pumkinseed, but have kept almost everything at one time or another. These fish are fish that my son caught when he was 2-4 yrs old, he's 5 now. He's a little MFk'r, he doesn't like his 6 with tetras and corys anywhere near as much as his bluegill. At least he stopped calling them goldfish, he did that for a long time! ;)
what would be a decent size tank for blue gill I have it now in a 20 long he is about 4 inchs in length
I would say a 30 gallon at a minimum. A 55 would be much better. They are not really active fish, but do appreciate some room. What kinda tankmates you have em with?
^ Yup.
Ive done threads like this quite a few times before and used Picture references for additional identification. Look in the old threads of this section. They kept getting locked because other people.
Yeah, you could easily put two more in there. Just be careful that you don't get males and females mixed, because if they ever get into the breeding mood, a 75 gallon won't be anywhere near big enough. In my opinion, breeding bluegill are far more agressive than any cichlid. I've seen a 4" bluegill chase 30"pike and 8lb bass around in ponds before. I've even had em attack me for wading too close.
Oh alright! Well thanks.. I think mine is a male.. atleast I'm pretty sure... I have some pics of it in my album if anyone would care to look and see what it is lol