• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I'm with you. I got an Emerald Snakehead two weeks ago. Approx 10 inches. Seems it is a variation on the Channa Stewartii....When these beauties are discovered by the masses, they will be queuing up to buy them..
Hey all, can we I'd this young snakehead, picked him up today the shop never knew the species? Thought it would more use here! Sorry about the quality.IMG-20120613-00116.jpg

hi..i'm new all snakehead mentor/master/grandmaster..I'll post some of my snakehead asap..but not sure about their scientific names cos the fish shop told me some of the snakeheads that I purchased it called as blue fin snakehead and rainbow snakehead (not sure if they're from channa stewartti/ Channa Bleheri/ Channa orientalis/ channa-sp-assam-blue). As I currently owned only few types of species of snakehead. Some of it are on the way eta by this week or early next week (argus occelated, channa aurantimaculata golden spotted cobra snakehead and few of Rainbow snakehead and bluefin snakehead)
I just bought my first two dwarf snakeheads and are loving it!!!!!!
And to the guy that put all this work into this forum, UNREAL of an AMAZING JOB on it and thank you for acquiring all this information for all of us to see. Cheers!!!!!